User Guide

How to apply the plugin

Using the plugins DSL:

plugins {
    id 'org.zkovari.changelog' version '0.4.0'

Using legacy plugin application:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.zkovari.changelog:changelog-automation-gradle-plugin:0.4.0'

apply plugin: 'org.zkovari.changelog'

Using the plugins DSL:

plugins {
    id("org.zkovari.changelog") version "0.4.0"

Using legacy plugin application:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {

apply(plugin = "org.zkovari.changelog")

How to generate unreleased changelog entries (YAML files)

To create new unreleased changelog entries, the easiest way if you use the plugin’s built-in generator script. It is already on the classpath, you just have fetch it with the fetchChangelogScript task:

gradle fetchChangelogScript
# result: scripts/

# also add permission
chmod +x scripts/

As a result, the script is present under scripts/ To generate a new entry, run

./scripts/ --type added "My new feature"

As a result, a new changelog entry is generated under changelogs/unreleased.

For type (-t|--type) the following values are accepted: added, changed, deprecated, fixed, removed, security. Shortened values can be also specified, for example, a corresponds to added, secu to security, etc.

See --help for more information.

Optionally specify reference and author

Optionally a reference (-r|--reference) or the author (-u|--git-username) can be also specified in the unreleased entry. The reference could typically refer an issue or a pull/merge-request number. For author, the Git username is used (from Git config). E.g. running:

./scripts/ --type fixed -u -r "13" "Fix bug"

…would create:

title: Fix bug
reference: 13
author: zkovari
type: fixed

How to process unreleased entries into

If you already have unreleased YAML entries under changelogs/unreleased, you can combine them into your The generated changelog is based on Keep a Changelog.

To process the unreleased entries, run the task processChangelogEntries:

gradle processChangelogEntries

Result is The unreleased entries are also automatically removed from changelogs/unreleased.
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [1.0.0] - 2019-07-21
### Added
- My new feature

For version, always the project’s version, while for date, ISO standard format it used: YYYY-MM-DD.

Continuous processing

New release entries can be continuously generated. In that case, the previous will be updated with a new released changelog.

As an example, see this project’s changelog.